$33.00 USD

Polyvagal Workshop - Beyond Wellness with Aline- Psychotherapist

Vagus Nerve Vitality: Unleashing Your Inner Resilience

The vagus nerve is a key component of your autonomic nervous system, responsible for overseeing all fundamental bodily functions. In this workshop, you'll delve into a comprehensive understanding of your nervous system and its impact on addressing persistent stress. Join holistic therapist Aline Martel for a Nervous system practices workshop tailored to assist you in activating your vagus nerve and enhancing vagal tone. You'll explore a set of specialized exercises aimed at efficiently handling and regulating stress and emotions, releasing accumulated trauma, reducing long-term tension and discomfort, and embarking on a path towards purposeful and serene living.

What's included in this course:

Seven engaging written and video modules focusing on leveraging the vagus nerve to effectively process and manage everyday stressors.

Module 1: Somatic Sensations and Body scan (1 video)

Module 2: Grounding and Orienting for Feelings of Overwhelm (2 videos)

Module 3: Emotional regulation and Vagus Reset (2 videos)

Module 4: Vagal Toning through the senses (3 videos)

Module 5: Dissolving the Freeze State (3 videos)

Module 6: Relieving physical tension and Vagal Reset (5 videos)

Module 7: Building your maintenance plan and resilience routine (worksheet)

Life-changing methods designed by trauma-informed specialists to assist in releasing stored trauma and emotions for profound healing.

Who should take this course:

 People looking to access a state of calm within their nervous system and spend more time in that space

● People wanting to avoid sliding into a fight, flight, or freeze response which will allow them to better connect with themselves, their surroundings, and others.

● People wanting to alleviate physical tension and chronic stress.

● Anyone wanting to learn how to instantly relieve anxiety and prevent future occurrences.

● People looking to regulate their nervous system and enhance their physical, mental, and emotional health for many years to come.


What People Are Saying:

There are no coincidences. I have studied the vagal system. I understand the beauty of a system that communicates from our body and organs upwards to the brain. But I didn't know how to access it. I know meditation is an excellent way. But I have spent decades ping-ponging between fight or flight and freeze overwhelment. On my journey, I learned one interesting fact: you cannot access your amygdala from your thinking brain. The only way to regulate it is through mindfulness practices. You are providing the baby steps I have needed so desperately. I thank you and Jean-Claude for this. I saw the show last night and felt calm and hopeful that I will learn how to come back to center and incrementally spend more time in my window, as you call it, increasing its size and my ease. Thank you doesn't even come close to expressing my gratitude.

Patricia Roess

I’m a clinical social worker doing therapy with 20+ clients every week. Over the last year I have experienced my own increasing frustration and burnout. My clients have presented with increasing emotional and physical issues over the last several years. People accessing therapy are more and more unstable than anytime in my lengthy career. I am very familiar with polyvagal theory but began ignoring my own symptoms in order to continue supporting my clients. Your offering this video is a reality check for me. I look forward to the reminders and new methods being shared in this video for prioritizing my own emotional and physical health so that I can offer the best care to my clients. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this exercise dear Aline. My tension was in my neck . I will redo this exercise many more times. It was very relaxing.

Claudette Leblanc