$11.11 USD

Morning Meditation with Jens - GIFT OFFER

Give the Gift of Learning and Exploration: Purchase a Gift Coupon Today!

This morning meditation is specifically designed for a holistic approach and tailored to help you be more present, balanced and grounded during the day. It contains several well-thought-out energy modalities that will not only help you with balance during your day, but also, your overall spiritual growth. Our energy body is like a muscle, if you practice every day, you will get stronger, and this meditation does just that!

What you'll get:

  • a 100% off coupon for this course that you can grant to someone else. 

What the gift receiver will get:

There are two audio versions in this package.

  • There is a 10-minute one, which is good if you don’t have much time in the morning, such as before going to work.
  • There also is a 30-minute version. This one contains extra modalities that are employed and gives you a bit more time, to go deeper. This one can be done on the weekend for example.
  • Each version comes with and without background music, giving you four versions in total!

This morning meditation is audio only