$22.00 USD

Lions Gate Portal Activation

LIVE on August 8 at 9pm ET
Available for replay afterwards

May Levy, a powerful channel, intuitive healer, and mystic, is inviting you to a profound light language activation in honor of the Lions Gate Portal. This extraordinary event is a moment of cosmic expansion and divine energy, where the astral and earthly realms converge with potent divine force. 

Within the Lions Gate Portal lies a unique opportunity to experience heightened divine energy, magnifying our desires and gifts in this earthly existence. I encourage you to embrace this transformative energy and allow it to inspire you to create, manifest, and devote yourself to the boundless love within your heart.

Deep within your being, a wellspring of magic awaits, eager to be sourced. Open yourself to receive the love emanating from the benevolent stars. Embrace the interconnectedness and acknowledge your significant role in the cosmic fabric of creation. As the Lions Gate marks the birth of new codes of divinity, I invite you to embark on this sacred journey within your consciousness, allowing your energy to shift to higher octaves of light and expansion.

Listen attentively to the whispers of the planets, for they carry messages of unity and harmony. Together, we shall prevail in this cosmic journey.

Join me, as I will guide this powerful and transformative transmission to activate new codes within your consciousness, igniting positive change on Earth and awakening the profound potential of your divine blueprint.

 May Levy