Give the Gift of Learning and Exploration: Purchase a Gift Coupon Today!
Embark on this magical healing journey with powerful channeller & healer May Levy. Through realigning and activating your seven chakras, step into your full self-mastery and open yourself up to experience true magic!
What you'll get:
- a 100% off coupon for this course that you can grant to someone else.
What the gift receiver will get:
- Introduction video with May explaining how the chakras work
- 7 activations for each of the 7 chakras to do at your own pace (May recommends waiting 7 days between the activations)
- 7 Downloadable Chakra Guides including associated crystals, essential oils, foods, activities, colors, affirmations and spirit bath instructions for each of the chakras
- Multiple beautiful & powerful downloadable artworks from May Levy for each of the of the chakras
- Added value discount codes
- Conclusion video