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Lion's Gate Activation - GIFT OFFER

Give the Gift of Learning and Exploration: Purchase a Gift Coupon Today!

We warmly invite you for a profound Light Language Activation in honor of the Lion's Gate Portal. Join us as May Levy guides this powerful and transformative transmission to activate new codes within your consciousness, igniting positive change on Earth and awakening the profound potential of your divine blueprint.

What you'll get:

  • a 100% off coupon for this course that you can grant to someone else. 

What the gift receiver will get:

  • Profound Cosmic Expansion: AWAKEN and activate your desired manifestations - intellectual, spiritual, and universal gifts!
  • Heart-Centered Transformation: Use this portal to create and manifest, devoting yourself to the boundless love within your heart.
  • Divine Connection: Open yourself to receive the love from the cosmic constellations and benevolent stars!!! EXTREME MAGIC AWAITS!
  • Unified Consciousness: Unite your heart, mind and soul, as you journey within your consciousness, shifting to higher octaves of light and energetic expansion with your human family around the globe joining a united force field of love and raising the vibration together.

What People Are Saying:

My heart chakra was so full of energy towards the end what a blissful activation thank you ️

~Rylan Baum

I just released the crown chakra. I cannot believe how much my life has changed in a few months. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

~9 Lives Energy

I'm very excited I just love you! You can push energy like no one else. If I weren't targeted I would be giving you more money so I apologize for that. You are so worth it as you have helped me tremendously! Some day! Blessings and it is truly an honor.

~Krista Knipfer